Smith Technologies Services

As wonderful as living and working in Bermuda can be, it comes with many challenges, as you know, chief of which is our distance from the source of almost all of our goods and services. This means that any problem can be very expensive to fix.

Because Smith Technologies technicians are knowledgeable about a variety of environments, they can sometimes help diagnose problems for you. Although they may not be expert in your specialized equipment, they can usually tell whether you need to call the manufacturer for resolution of the issue. If the problem turns out to be unrelated to your equipment and can be fixed otherwise without warranty impact, you will have saved a considerable cost.

Smith Technologies is sensitive to your business and your company’s need to have its computers up and running during your working hours. We can schedule major work to be done in your off hours to minimize downtime to your system.

We can host some of your business operations through the “Cloud” such as Quickbooks and Exchange. In addition, Smith Technologies will advise you on new versions and upgrades available to you so that you are kept current with your software packages.

We will advise you on the best possible configurations for your network and software packages. STL is a full-service company that you will look to for anything related to technology.


Phone: (+1 441) 292-1818
Email: info@stl.bm

Smith Technologies

  • Provides linear technical growth for companies of all sizes.

  • Utilizes Engagement teams with customized skill sets to ensure proper delivery.

  • Provides turn-key server, tape and disk, networking and replication technologies.

  • Specializes in high-end fault tolerant server technologies.

  • Provides unique skills sets that are often either unavailable or are in limited supply